This work was part of R.M.Williams’ Artist in Residence program from June – September 2024.
Employing a playful approach, Diana starts her paintings with no predetermined outcome, drawing on her instinct and curiosity. Beginning initially on the floor before taking her linens to the wall, Diana works quickly with brushes, cloths and fingers. She is interested in the deconstructing and reassembling of elements in her practice via the layering, covering up and wiping away of paint to achieve her unique style of abstraction. Diana’s paintings combine gestural, textured components with shapes and bold, flat spaces of colour that create depth through their juxtaposition.
Says Diana of this series, “For these works, I thought about all the places R.M.William’s boots might be worn. I imagined myself in the rural Australian countryside and how that feels amongst the expansiveness – feelings of freedom, the colour of the dirt, the sky, the bush – contrasted against urban spaces and other environments the boots are worn.”
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